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About us

Why are we here?

Citizens Advice Rushmoor is a local charity, offering free, confidential, impartial and independent advice and information services. Our two main offices are in Farnborough and Aldershot.  We also provide telephone and email services.  We deliver in different locations in the community to meet client needs, and are always working to improve our service, as well as address bigger problems for everyone through our research and campaigns work.

Aims and Principles

We are part of the national Citizens Advice network, which values diversity, promotes equality and challenges discrimination. Our service puts clients at the heart of all we do.  We aim to:

  • Provide the advice people need for the problems they face
  • Improve the policies and practices that affect people’s lives

Our People

We employ about 30 paid staff, some on specific projects.  Over 50 volunteers bring many different skills, experiences and diversity to our organisation, and deliver most of our frontline services.

All our staff and volunteers benefit from thorough training, to meet the national Advice Quality Standard. We are committed to equality and diversity.

Our Trustee Board

We are an independent charity, and have our own board of trustees, who are ultimately responsible for the quality and type of services we provide.  Our paid staff manage the day-to-day service, while our Trustees

  • Set the overall direction and support the development of the organisation
  • Hold the staff to account to make sure we are meeting the needs of the local community
  • Work to maintain the Performance and Quality Framework set through the national Citizens Advice network
  • Employ our staff and control the finances
  • Earn and retain the respect of key local individuals and organisations
  • Give local people a say on our work through our public Annual General Meeting and other feedback and consultation methods
  • Make sure our work complies with relevant charity and other law

Click here to meet our trustees.