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Press Release: Supporting Vulnerable Clients

Citizens Advice service triumphs at Police Commissioner’s awards for specialist work supporting victims of domestic abuse. 

20 March 2025

Citizens Advice Rushmoor’s longstanding Nepali Domestic and Sexual Abuse Service was recently honoured at the Hampshire Police Commissioner’s annual Awards.

Aliza Gurung, Domestic Abuse Lead, and Arati Thapa, Nepali Services Manager, shared the ‘Supporting Victims of Crime Award’ during Police and Crime Commissioner for Hampshire & the Isle of Wight, Donna Jones’, annual Awards ceremony on Friday 7th March 2025. The Awards recognise and celebrate the dedication of volunteers, partners, community groups, and policing.

The PCC-funded project, ‘Improving Safety – Reducing Harm: Increasing Nepali Community Engagement’, forms an important element of the charity’s Nepali Domestic and Sexual Abuse Service, providing free and confidential support to those affected by domestic abuse, as well as an array of education and awareness work. Domestic abuse is rarely obvious, with victims-survivors often unaware they are experiencing abuse. This is particularly the case with Hampshire’s principally elderly and sizeable ex-Gurkha Nepalese population – one of the least likely to access local support services.

Calum Stewart, Chief Executive Officer at Citizens Advice Rushmoor commented:

“Preventing abuse must be our fundamental ambition, and this project – funded over the last three years by the OPCC – is a fantastic illustration of how focused, targeted funding within hard-to-reach communities can help reduce the prevalence and many harms of domestic abuse.

“I’m thrilled for Aliza, Arati, and the wider team for this incredible achievement. Their outstanding work in this area over the last decade has helped tackle deep-rooted cultural taboos, supporting some of our community’s most marginalised individuals.”

The project was also featured in the Ministry of Defence’s Domestic Abuse Action Plan 2024-2029, ‘No Defence for Abuse’, as an example of nationwide best practice as to how to put prevention at the heart of the response to domestic abuse.

Aliza Gurung, Domestic Abuse Lead at Citizens Advice Rushmoor said:

“Through communicating what constitutes abuse, who it might impact, and where to get support, our project has reached thousands of Nepali residents; working in partnership to support those who face signficiant additional barriers to seeking and gaining support in the UK. This project continues to play a significant part to bring notable change of social attitude and conversations surrounding domestic and sexual abuse within the Nepali community.

“Arati and I are honoured to have received this award and for the recognition.  We recognise that this award is a collective achievement – our previous Nepali DA workers, funders, local Nepali community groups and mentors have played an instrumental part in shaping this project.  We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to PC Pushpa Sunuwar for nominating us and for her unwavering support to this project.”

PCC Donna Jones said:

“These awards shine a spotlight on the dedication, passion, and selflessness of those who go above and beyond to keep our communities safe. This isn’t just about individual achievements; it’s about recognising the collective effort that makes Hampshire and the Isle of Wight stronger. Every day, in tough and often demanding circumstances, these individuals protect the vulnerable, deliver justice, and make our communities better places to live.

“To every winner and nominee – thank you. Your commitment to public service doesn’t go unnoticed. You are valued, not just by me, but by your colleagues, your leaders, and most importantly, by the people you serve.”

It was the fourth Awards event the Commissioner has held in recognition of those who help make communities and safer and have improved the lives of others. A number of guest presenters joined the PCC to present the awards, including Hampshire & Isle of Wight Constabulary’s Chief Constable, Scott Chilton.

You can find photos from this year’s Award on the PCC’s website here.